The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. --Ayn Rand



If you bore me, I will do everything in my power to smite you. My most entertaining way of smiting Transamerica recently materialized: going to the gym.

I was planning to use my lunch break to go to the gym, followed by devouring my home cooking discretely at my desk. Reality, though, tends to be more fun. I still take my normal hour lunch break after the gym. Essentially I am getting paid to work out.

Today, being early Friday, I had to cut my time short so that no one noticed. I scurried into work at 6:45, ran down to the gym in the basement a little before 7:00. I finished my workout at 7:30, then made it back to my office by 7:40. (I must have taken a two minute shower) This is still early enough that no one is in yet. To be fair, my timesheet claims that I arrived at 7:00, rather than 6:45. I will have to do the same shorter workout on Monday to avoid suspicion.

So far my smiting has earned me $67.50. After Monday that total should jump up to $81.00, and I thought only professional athletes were paid to stay in shape. :: evil grin ::

In other news, I checked off another item off my list this week, and this weekend I should get two more out of the way. Sadly, I will not be going to San Diego before I leave LA, and Universal Studios is looking doubtful. I'll make up for them with expensive shoes.


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