The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. --Ayn Rand


Drew versus China

I am sitting at the airport getting ready to head to Shanghai for four days to participate in software training for Fair Isaac. I hope to socialize every night and meet the weekday Shanghai drunks. It should be fabulous.

But recently my days haven't all been kittens and rainbows. The last week has been fairly horrible. Work has been stressful, but that is not really what put me on edge. After work I would get home between 6 and 8pm and just want to hide away in bed. I would close my door and around 9pm just go to sleep while my roommates wondered what happened to me. Each night I realized more and more that besides TB, I don't have any close friends here. Only one person I can rely on to see during the week.

On Friday, when I arrived at work, I discovered that my work visa application was rejected. I nearly screamed. My whole trip to HongKong that I had planned needed to be rescheduled. Plus, I don't have too long to leave the country before my current visa expires.

Around 3pm I had calmed down a bit. We found a new agent, and I think everything should proceed smoothly. I left work at 5pm still frazzled and hid in starbucks with my computer for the next two and a half hours. When I emerged I felt satisfied and refreshed. I forgot just how much I coffee shops mean to my future. It's an integral part of my future dream.

That is to say, one of my requirements for a future home is that I can find a cafe/shop/kiosk where I can escape and relax for hours a day. Me sitting in a small cafe with a computer sipping moca for three hours a day is pretty important for my future health.

Speaking of health, I joined a gym recently. It was extremely expesive, but in the end worth it. Good facilities, nice atmosphere, few people but they are all cute. I will try to go every day.


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